Time is flying by and I am amazed my baby is already 6 whole months old.
Owen is doing so much now and his sweet little personality is showing. He is so laid back and doesn't get upset unless a) it's time to eat or b) his diaper is dirty! (And he does NOT like to have dirty pants on, no sir!)
He can sit up now and although he can't crawl yet, he can scoot himself wherever he wants to go.
He has 2 teeth now, in odd places. His bottom right I tooth and his bottom left middle tooth. He drools non-stop and puts everything in his mouth!
Owen loves his paci and can hold his own bottle already. (Look, it's survival of the fittest in this household!! :))
Owen also loves his big brother and often whines when Price is out of his site. He loves watching what Price is up to and laughs when Price talks to him.
Price also loves Owen and has been a great big bro!
Owen's favorite activites are sleeping, jumping in his jummpy (sometimes sleeping in his jummpy) eating his toes, playing in his excersaucer, riding in the car, bathtime and drooling.
Owen is also eating very well. So far he has had peas, sweet potatoes and applesauce and seems to like them all.
He sleeps very well, although we don't have a great daytime routine due to our busy scheudule. It's hard to keep him on a schedule when I have Price's schedule set. Poor, Poor 2nd child!
It has been a very easy 6 months and having 2 little ones isn't near as hard as I once feared. Being a mother is my greatest joy and Owen added so much to that!
Owen, what a sweet, sweet blessing you are!
What a precious little baby boy! I can not beleive that he is already doing all those things. I can not beleive that Anna will be sitting up in about 1 month. Wow , time really does fly. REady for #3???
What a cutie patootie!
Owen is looking more and more like you everyday!!!!!
I can't believe its been 6 months already. Owen is just so cute. Hope to see you guys very soon!!!
Such a great post. Owen looks so much like you. Love Ash
It is so good to hear that the second one is so much easier than you thought!
Jv opened your Christmas card and said that child looks just like his dad! I love when Men get involved in noticing such things! Anyway, I hope you are doing well! I should be coming that way soon so I will give you a call! Much Love
He is precious and looks just like you! I love the pic of him sleeping in the bouncer--Colby sleeps in her swing and I DO NOT wake her up to move her:)
I love all of your posts! They are so sweet!
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