Today I watched Mary Grace for Kris & Betsy because she is getting over roseola and they didn't want her in daycare yet and I LOVE having her. Price woke up with the begginings of the croup and a slight fever so I kept him home from pre-school (I just couldn't take him by myself and have him crying when he didn't feel good....)and we played all day. It's so funny to see Price & Mary Grace interact. They played so good together all day. They even actually rolled the ball to each other several times and took turns playing with the toys. I was amazed at how well they did. I guess they are growing up. The are less baby-like and more toddler-like every day. I can't believe how fast time flies. It makes me sad to see Price growing so fast but right now he loves his mommy so I am going to enjoy it while I can. :)
Prom dress shopping
2 weeks ago