Sunday, November 16, 2008

With a little help from my friends....

When I first left for college I was scared. I was sad. I was lonely. I was overwhelmed! It was my first time being on my own with no one to tell me what to do....when to be one was there to make sure I went to class.....or studied!

It was the biggest change of my life. I left family and friends be on my own. It was a great responsibility and it was my first time to prove myself.

Soon after moving into my dorm I met the most special group of girls who helped me thru. We were all there together. Going thru the same emotions and adjustments. We supported each other, helped each other and eventually depended on each other. When I graduated from college I cried tears....BIG tears! I was afraid we would loose touch.....go our seperate ways. I had friends before them, but no one that I depended on quite like them. They had become my family.

So we made a pact! We would get together once a year for a weekend. A GIRLS WEEKEND! So far we have kept true to our promise. There are times when everyone can't be there but for the most part we make it a priority. A priority to keep in touch! To remain close! We always have a fabulous time enjoying each other. This time was no different...

We went to Asheville and stayed at a FABULOUS B&B, went on the Christmas candlelight tour at Biltmore, shopped, ate and chatted. It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend. We missed all those who couldn't make it but I am already looking forward to next year.

Like the Beatles once wrote:

"What do I do when my love is away,

Does it worry you to be alone?

How do you feel by the end of the day,

Are you sad because you're on your own?

No, I get by with a little help from my friends...

I get high with a little help from my friends...

Gonna try with a little help from my friends!"

And, as promised, pictures are HERE!


Angie said...

Oh I wish I was there! I am so glad you had a wonderful weekend! Now off to potty training...good luck!

calicodaisy said...

Hello from a Lexington, SC, blogger. I just clicked on the "Lexington Blogosphere" listed right under the Live Traffic Feed block on my blog and found a bunch of nearby bloggers, including you.

I have a little embroidery and sewing and craft studio in my home and use the blogs to learn what's out there and make friends with other craft bloggers. Come by sometime to the blog at If you need any monogramming or other sewing done, send me an e-mail, and I will send you my phone number.

Michele C.
calicodaisy (at) gmail (dot) come

Anonymous said...

Looks like y'all had a great time!! missed you!

amyop said...

Awww...I love you to MCLEO!!! Thanks for the pictures. Next year will be a blast too!

Amber and Matt said...
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Amber and Matt said...

Ashley, this is beautiful! I miss you girls! One day I'll hopefully make it on one of those trips...or you all could come out to Colorado to see me! Ski Trip (or snowmobiling or whatever) anyone?!

Alpha Delta Pi
First. Finest. Forever.

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet and I feel exactly the same way. I hate I had to miss it this year but it looks like ya'll hada fabulous time... which I never doubted that one. Happy Potty Training. :)

Angie said...

P.S. Swampfox 3rd Floor ROCKS!


Heidi said...

I happened to find your blog through the Feedjit Blogosphere thing. I'm in West Columbia. It's cool to find other bloggers that are local. I look forward to reading more of your blog!

Anonymous said...

I also found you through Blogosphere. What fun to find SC bloggers! I am also a SC blogger and a total Squidoo nut. I am a proud grandma and enjoyed reading the chatter from all of you young moms! Raising children is one of the biggest joys of life, for sure.

Come see me on Squidoo. I have 90 sites of recipes, toys, and creative ideas!