Today Price went Pee Pee in the Potty!! Yes, Ladies, I said Pee Pee in the Potty. For a few weeks we have been trying to get him to sit on the potty before bath time but until today he only wanted to take the seat apart and put it on his head. He has been pee peeing on demand for quite some time, but it just happened to be on the rug in the bathroom, in the tub or on our carpet. Today the light bulb just went off. I asked him if he wanted to Pee Pee in the Potty and he went straight to the potty, I took his shoes, pants and diaper off and pee pee he went!! He stood up and pointed and said "Pee Pee". YES - PEE PEE INDEED!! I am so proud. (I even took pictures, but I will spare you....I am sure you all know what pee pee looks like!) I called his Daddy to tell him the good news and his response was, "You let him pee sitting down?? He needs to be standing up when he pees!" MEN!! I already have one male in the house who isn't good at aiming.....I don't need two. :)